MCD Project Management

Previous Projects
A Snapshot of some of the previous projects the team have worked on previously

Boodarie RSI, Port Hedland WA
The scope of work was the rehabilitation the disused residue storage impound associated with the old HBI plant. Works included removal of bunds, encapsulation of residue, removal or concrete & steel and other works required to return the 166 hectares onsite to match the natural surface
South Flank Mine, Pilbara WA
South Flank is an 80 Mt/y sustaining mine, and will be the most technically advanced high quality iron ore mine in Western Australia. Together with the existing Mining Area C, it will form the largest operating iron ore hub in the world – producing 145 Mt of iron ore each year.

Olympic Dam Airport, SA
The project included the construction of a new runway, taxiway, aprons and a small portion of design in the landside works terminal buildings. The new facility will support mine operations permitting FIFO workers to commute to and from the mine site.
Gateway WA. Perth
It was the largest project Main Roads Western Australia had ever undertaken, covering the upgrade of Tonkin, Leach, and Roe Highways, and the construction of four new interchanges. The project was jointly funded by state and federal governments, which provided $317.5 million and $686.4 million respectively.